Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blueberry & Vanilla French Toast

I was aiming to make french toast for breakfast but instead of pouring out the 'ole maple syrup, I whipped up this delightful concoction and oh my, my, my was it tasty!  Abi and I never eat the breakfasts we serve (because we'd each weigh 528 pounds) but this one we had to indulge.  It's super simple and well-worth the extra few minutes to put together.  It's sure to please everyone at the breakfast table!  Oh, and since I made this up, I'm going to be guesstimating my measurements.  

Blueberry Sauce
1 - 21 oz canned blueberries w/ liquid
1/4 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 tblsp. cornstarch (+/- to thicken)
4 tblsp. water

Heat together the blueberries, brown sugar and butter until melted.  Mix cornstarch and water together and then slowly pour into blueberry sauce. Slowly stir and allow to thicken.  More cornstarch and water can be used depending on the amount of liquid you have.

French Toast
2 cups whole milk
4 eggs
1 small box of vanilla pudding mix (dry)
1 tsp vanilla

I like Safeway Artisan bread, the fat loaves, and I slice them an inch thick so they don't get soggy!  Whisk eggs and then add milk and other ingredients, stir together.

Oops! I just realized the milk, eggs and vanilla didn't make it into this shot.  Those sneaky guys!
I love this photo because I unknowingly captured the steam rising.
Melt a pat of butter on your skillet, careful not to let it burn.  Medium heat.
Flip when golden delicious!
I have to admit I was in a hurry and sadly, this photo was taken before the plate was finished.  Serve with your favorite sausage or bacon, this is turkey sausage.  Lousy photo, but trust me... the first bite will make your taste buds sing for joy!

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